Friday, July 28, 2017


Welcome to a new school year at Rocky Branch Elementary School! My name is Ami Rivera and I am excited about joining the 3rd grade team this year. I began my teaching career in Griffin, GA teaching 5th grade and 3rd grade. My family then moved to Ohio for my husband's job where we spent 4 years. While in Ohio, I taught 2nd - 5th grades (sometimes all in the same classroom!). In 2015, we were able to move back home to the south and land in Athens.

I look forward to working with each family this year. It is vital to your child’s education to create a strong home-school connection. Two are better than one and together we can contribute to a well-rounded child who loves school and is ready for any challenge that arises. Never hesitate to contact me with any concerns, ideas, or suggestions to help make this the best school year ever for your child.
I have listed some important information below for you to refer to throughout the school year.
RBES phone number:  706-769-3235
RBES address:  5250 Hog Mountain Road, Bogart, GA, 30622
If you ever have any questions or wish to set up a conference, please feel free to send me a note, email, or contact me at the school.  My planning period is from 8:00-8:50, and  also  available after school from 2:30-3:30 with a scheduled appointment.  My email address is  Also you may want to bookmark my blog –Class Blog.  I suggest when you visit the blog that you subscribe by email.  This way you will automatically receive the blog as it is updated, and it is the easiest way to keep up with what's going on in our classroom.

The following are the subjects taught in third grade: Reading, English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science. This is our schedule at the moment but is subject to change:
7:30 - 8:00 Arrival & Morning Activities
8:00 - 8:50 Activity
8:50 - 9:00 Snack & Restroom break
9:00 - 10:20 ELA/Reading
10:20 - 11:10 Science/Social Studies (units will rotate)
11:10 - 11:40 Recess
11:40 - 12:10 Lunch
12:10 -12:15 Restroom Break
12:15 - 12:30 Silent Reading
12:30 - 1:00 Rockets’ Way Lessons & Class Meeting
1:00 - 2:20 Math
2:20 - 2:30 Prepare for Dismissal
2:30 Dismissal

Students will use agendas for:
  • record homework
  • important reminders  
  • notes to and from school - I check these daily.

Send in notes regarding absences as soon as you can.  You can also e-mail if you know ahead of time your child will be out.  Ask your doctor for an excuse to bring to school regarding appointments or sickness that caused your child to miss school.

I would love to celebrate your child's birthday at school with the class!  Parents are welcome to send in any healthy snack item on your child's birthday (Popsicles, fruit, crackers, etc.)  Please contact me ahead of time to schedule a good time in our schedule to celebrate.
Students are required to read 20 minutes nightly and complete any other assigned homework. Homework is used to reinforce skills covered in the classroom and will help your child be more successful in third grade.    

I want to encourage you to join your student for lunch when you can. The school policy asks that parents do not bring outside food into the school to serve to their child during school lunch.

If you are going to sign in, check out, or visit your student at school you will do so electronically at the front office window.  If you are visiting for lunch or volunteering you will be “buzzed” through the security doors.  When you leave school, you MUST SIGN OUT at the window.  The regular office door will remain locked at all times.  No adult will be allowed to enter the building through any door other than the main entrance during school hours.  Please DO NOT knock on a door and motion for a child to open it for you.  We will spend time in the classroom explaining that students should never open a door for ANY adult.  

ALL monies should be returned to school in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, my name, and purpose of the money.   

We will be going outside almost everyday for recess for 30 minutes.  Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed.
Rocky Branch is the only elementary school in the state of Georgia that is  a National School of Character.    There are many aspects to using the ROCKETS' Way that encourage students in behavior decision making.  We will use class meetings to learn about The ROCKETS' Way and to discuss other home or school related difficulties, challenges, goals, and successes daily.

Please send a healthy snack and water bottle with your child every day. The snack should be easy to open and clean up. The children can fill water bottles at school if necessary.  Snack time will be 8:50 - 9:00. Students are not to eat on snacks throughout the day.

The Blue Rocket folder will come home on Fridays with school and community notes and other classwork papers for you to keep.  

We must have a parent signature or phone call to the office to allow transportation changes.  Please do not e-mail as I may not see it before the end of the school day.  Unless written permission has been sent from the parent to me, your student will be dismissed according to their normal transportation plan. You can find the transportation papers on the school website or through the link provided in this post.

RBES welcomes parents and others to volunteer for a wide variety of activities and events. However, anyone who wishes to interact with other students while at the school MUST attend one of our volunteer training sessions offered by Mrs. Mason.  If you or someone else only wishes to eat lunch with your child, you do not have to attend the training.  You are required to attend these if you want to volunteer in the classroom, help out during Field Day, participate during class parties, and field trips, etc.  There are many dates offered for the training.  It is the best way to keep all RBES students safe and for volunteers to know our expectations and procedures.  Hope you'll attend so we can help in our classroom!  
Upcoming dates:
Aug. 4th @ 9:00 a.m.
Aug. 15th @ 7:00 p.m.
Aug. 17th @ 7:00 p.m.
Aug. 24th @ 8:45 a.m.
Feb. 6th @ 5:30 p.m.

Class Code - L4PFZ
Order Due Date - 08/25/2017
Dear Families,
I want your child to be a successful reader and for that, I need your help.
When children choose their own books to read for pleasure, they enjoy reading more and spend more time doing it. The more your child reads, the better they will do in school and in life. Scholastic Book Clubs flyers are made for you and your child to shop for books your child will love to read. Each month, the flyers are filled with trusted, excellent quality, age-appropriate books chosen by Scholastic for prices as low as one dollar. Plus you will be helping our class when you order: Scholastic matches each order you place with FREE BOOKS for our classroom to share.
Thank you for helping your child become a successful reader.

Mrs. Rivera
Please place your order by ___August 25, 2017____.
Two ways to order:
1. Check off the books you want to order for your child and return this flyer to me with a check to
Scholastic Book Clubs by ____August 25, 2017________.
2. Go online to:
Look up my name: ________Ami___Rivera________________
Or enter our Class Code: _______L4PFZ________________
Follow the instructions to place your order online by: _____August 25, 2017__

Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Transportation Notes

"Any link beyond this website does not constitute an endorsement by Oconee County Schools. Oconee County Schools takes no responsibility for and exercises no control over the organizations, views,   or accuracy of the information presented by other sites.  If you have difficulty accessing anything on this site, please call 706-769-5130."