Friday, September 15, 2017

Field Trip form coming home today

Below you will find a copy of the field trip form that is in Friday folder today. Please return ASAP!

September 15, 2017

Dear Third Grade Students, Parents, and Guardians,

We are excited to inform you about a wonderful field trip opportunity! We will be taking an excursion to the PowWow Festival located at Stone Mountain, Georgia. This trip will be Thursday, November 2, 2017.
    Some of the learning experiences that will be offered to the students include:

  • Experience the central role of dance in native culture as Native Americans from across the U.S. and Central America with dance and drum demonstrations.
  • Learn about primitive skills such as flint-knapping, bow making, fire starting, open fire cooking, and pottery. Crawl inside a tipi and other traditional native dwellings. Teachers and students participate in interactive experiences such as an encampment showing the lifestyle of local and regional historic Native American cultures.
  • Visit the artists' marketplace, where world-renowned Native and Native-inspired artists and crafters demonstrate their skills and offer hand-crafted items for sale.
The cost for the field trip will be $24.00. This includes cost of ticket, gas, and bus drivers. Please pay for the trip in full on or before Friday, September 22nd.  Please make checks payable to RBES, and submit them to your child’s homeroom teacher. Hopefully, all students will be able to participate in this exciting opportunity. We do not want expenses to be a factor in any student not attending the trip. Please notify your child’s homeroom teacher should you need financial assistance.  If you feel that you will need financial assistance, please notify your homeroom teacher as soon as possible and make every effort to pay as much of the trip expense as possible.  If you are interested in helping defray the cost for another student, you can include that (with an explanation) with your child’s payment.
Stone Mountain offers souvenirs to be purchased at the festival. If time allows, your child will have an opportunity to purchase something. Please send your child with additional money, no more than twenty dollars, the day of the trip if you want him/her to purchase a souvenir.
                                                                                                                The Third Grade Teachers   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please sign below showing you have received this information, and return the bottom slip to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Child’s name Parent/Guardian signature

Please check one of the following.

_________My child will be attending. _______ My child will not be attending.

________My child will need to PURCHASE a school lunch.  ________ My child will BRING their own lunch.

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